انگلیسى براى دانشجویان رشتههای علوم انسانى (ادبیات و زبانها، هنر، معماری)
English for the Students of Humanities (Literature and Languages , Arts , Architecture)
English for the Students of Humanities (Literature and Languages, Art, Architecture), an EAP textbook for undergraduate university students of Humanities (Literature and Languages, Art, Architecture), aims to develop the learners’ reading ability in academic contexts. To this end, it:
• includes a variety of up-to-date authentic texts from a wide range of text types and genres
• focuses on fostering reading skills and strategies helpful in disciplinary contexts
• has a broad range of meaningful and engaging tasks and activities
• organizes units around themes to make them reader-friendly
• involves in-depth vocabulary activities
• provides great opportunities for improving grammar in context
• uses translation as both a reading practice and a translation activity
Schematic Chart
Unit One: A Taste of Language
Unit Two: Literature: Something Which Exists in All Cultures
Unit Three: Learning Another Language
Unit Four: Literature for Learning & Life
Unit Five: Myths and Folk Literature
Unit Six: What Is Art?
Unit Seven: Music
Unit Eight: Architecture
Unit Nine: Renaissance
Unit Ten: Art Meets Science and Technology
Unit Eleven: Death of Languages 188
Unit Twelve: Celebrating a Man of Letters and an Artist
Appendices: Word Lists
این کتاب برای دانشجویان رشتههای علوم انسانی (ادبیات و زبانها، هنر، معماری) در مقطع کارشناسی به عنوان منبع اصلی درس "زبان تخصصی (1)" به ارزش 2 واحد تدوین شده است.